Current Board

This is the current board of study association KOers. The 54th board consists of, from left to right: Dylan van Mullekom, Mees Fabel, Lukasz Latuszek, Nienke van Gisteren and Anna van den Berg

54th board

Nienke van Gisteren - Chairman

Dear KOers members,

My name is Nienke van Gisteren, and I am 24 years old. I was born and raised in Berghem, a small village near Oss. I completed my HAVO at Titus Brandsma Lyceum. However, at that point, I still had no clue of what I wanted to do when I grew up. To figure out what I wanted I started to look at the things at school that challenged me because I found those the most interesting. That is how I ended up visiting multiple engineering bachelors before I finally ended up choosing Built Environment.


In my time at HAN University of Applied Sciences, I found that subjects like Mechanics and Construction really interested me, since they appealed most to my critical thinking skills. The level of creative freedom combined with the puzzle-solving aspect of the profession made me pursue Construction as my specialization for the Bachelor. Throughout my final internship, I was continuously challenged by new matters and was encouraged to really research a topic and make my own conclusions. This prompted me to register for the Pre-Master Structural Engineering. 

At the start of the Pre-Master, I joined KOers. After finishing the Pre-Master, I took half a year to travel and take a look at the Master courses I wanted to take. During this time, I joined the KIST committee. Even though I am still very new to KOers and the TU/e I was still interested in joining the 54th board because I think KOers does a lot of important things that improve SED as a whole and it is a great way to meet new people.

In my spare time, I practice archery and dance. I also enjoy puzzles and puzzle-solving games. When I have the time I enjoy spending time with my friends, playing board games or watching movies.

As chairman, I will be responsible for KOers. I will lead meetings, make sure the policies are upheld, and ensure everyone is content. Apart from leading the board, I will also be the face of the association and the point of contact for the rest of the association.


Anna van den Berg - Secretary & Commissioner of Education

Dear KOers members,

My name is Anna van den Berg and I am 22 years old. I was born in Tiel and raised in Ochten, a small village located between Tiel and Nijmegen. I got my VWO diploma at Ichthus College in Veenendaal. In my fifth year, I still had no idea what I wanted to study. I only knew that it was probably going to be something technical because I liked mathematics and physics. Later in the fifth year, students from different universities came to present their studies. I went to the presentation of Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences at the TU/e. During the presentation, they explained that the study was really broad and offered a combination of technology and creativity, which I really liked. After visiting multiple different universities and studies, I chose to study Architecture, Urbanism and Building sciences at the TU/e. In the beginning, I already knew that I was probably not going to be an architect. I expected to like the technical courses more, which turned out to be true. In my third year of my bachelor, I decided that I wanted to continue with the master ‘Structural Engineering and Design’.

At the beginning of the master, I became a member of KOers and I joined multiple activities. I also joined my first committee and noticed the great atmosphere within the association. After almost a year of fun and interesting activities, I decided to join the candidate board of KOers. In this way, I hope to contribute to another great year for the association.

In my spare time, I have been ice skating with the skate association from my hometown ever since I was 10 years old. Besides ice skating, I love to hang out with friends.

As a secretary, I will arrange the communication within the association. Together with the media committee, I take care of all media (website, social media, and promotion) to attract and inform our members. As candidate commissioner of education, my goal is to improve the quality of education. To achieve this, I will evaluate courses together with fellow students and communicate the feedback to the responsible teacher of the course. Besides the evaluation of courses, workshops will be organized to broaden the knowledge of KOers members .


Lukasz Latuszek - Treasurer

Dear KOers Members,

My name is Lukasz Latuszek and I am the new candidate treasurer of the 54th candidate board! I am 20 years old and Polish, and I was born in Poland, however I grew up internationally with 6 years in the UAE, 12 years in Singapore, and now 2 years finished in the Netherlands. I have currently just finished the second year of my bachelor specializing in SED, and I’m looking forward to finishing my bachelor and isolating on this subject in the masters.

I was first introduced to KOers through the BKB event where I volunteered. I have been active at KOers over the last year in the BKR committee and the Lustrum committee. My favorite thing about BKR is the balance between the desk work and the physical work as well as the beer-filled weekend at the end! The lustrum committee is not finished yet and I’m looking forward to the last half year of organization left and of course, the fantastic events lined up for that! Next year I will be board responsible for BKR and Lustrum still, as well as the Sports committee. I am looking forward to sports as all of these events are always very fun and chill, and I can’t wait to have a part in making them happen.

In my free time, I do some sports and also some social activities! I participate in the sports association for swimming: Nayade where I train twice a week and compete every once in a while. But I mostly go to the trainings to chat with friends. You will also catch me very often in the SkyBar! Underground of which I’m in the committee. There are two reasons I love the Skybar committee, one being the smile everyone gets from getting beer, and the second being the chaotic meetings and other members!

Within the board I have taken up the role of treasurer. I have not taken up a financial role like this before and I am excited yet anxious to take it on. I am really looking forward to learning all of the methods and requirements for bookkeeping, and I can not wait to distribute the funds of KOers between the activities and events. I am also really looking forward to the upcoming year working with the other board members! They are all really lovely people and together I think we will be able to make KOers’ year fantastic!


Mees Fabel - Commissioner of Public Relations & Vice Chairman

Dear KOers members,

My name is Mees Fabel, and I am 24 years old. I was born in Hilversum but a big part of my family lives in Eindhoven, so I have always been in Eindhoven a lot. When I was 9, I would constantly say that I would become an inventor at the University of Eindhoven. Therefore, when I graduated from high school, I chose to go study at Eindhoven right away! (Also, because there is a subscription deadline for the TU Delft which I forgot about)

I have been studying for a while already, in my first year as a university student I studied Industrial Design. This was not the kind of inventing 9-year-old me had been dreaming of, so after 1 year, I switched to Architecture, Urbanism & Building Sciences. While I was in my first year of Industrial Design, I also joined E.S.R. Thêta, the rowing association. In the second year, I joined the competitive rowing crew, which meant a lot of intensive training and racing. It also meant that I had a very structured planning and thanks to this strict planning I passed the first year of AUBS.

Skip forward to last year, when I simultaneously started on my Master and finished my Bachelor. I joined a lot of KOers excursions and also some activities, the most memorable activities being the Concrete Canoe Race and the KOers International Study Trip. During these activities, I was lovingly encouraged by the 53rd board to become a board member myself. Without hesitating for even a second I said yes (it took a few weeks). I am looking forward to the coming year as a board member, where I will fulfill the role of commissioner of Professional Relations. Even though it took me some extra time to reach my Master studies, I can confidently say that I am passionate about the things that I do and that I take pride in my work. I see this board year at KOers as part of that work and I will represent the association accordingly. Furthermore, I believe that with this diverse group of board members, we can have a wonderful board year.


Dylan van Mullekom - Commissioner of Activities

Dear KOers members,

My name is Dylan van Mullekom, and I will be joining the 54th board halfway as the Commissioner of Activities! I am 24 years old and originally from Uden, a town relatively close north of Eindhoven. During high school, I was always very engaged in art class as well as technical courses such as physics and mathematics. So, therefore, after graduating high school, I decided to study Architecture, Urbanism & Building Science at the TU/e, which seemed to cover a lot of my interests. In my second Bachelor year, I leaned a lot towards the architecture courses as I really enjoyed building physical models and creating nice renders and drawings. However, halfway through the second year, I started to miss the challenge of solving physics and mathematical problems. Therefore, after half a year of contemplating, I switched to the structural engineering courses, which I found to offer the best of both!

After finishing my Bachelor, I decided to continue at the TU/e with a Master's in Structural Engineering and Design. During my first year, I became a member of KOers and already joined a lot of activities. I became a part of the KOersief committee and was already quite soon appointed Editor-in-Chief! With the help of the talented and dedicated committee members, we manage to create a remarkable new KOersief each half a year. 

During my free time, I like playing games with friends, watching movies, or discovering new cooking dishes. I'm also very much into photography and enjoy taking pictures during trips, but also love to go mountain biking or swimming at times. 

During the remainder of the study year, I will be helping the board with organizing and promoting the many activities that will be planned. I will be responsible for large events such as the Active Members Day and the BBQ at the end of the year. Together with the rest of the board, I am looking forward to the many educational and fun times planned ahead!