
3D Printed Circular / Dry Joints

This projects consists of two main steps; designing and testing. The main goal of the research is to design a demountable concrete dry connection using 3D concrete printing. In order to support this goal, there will be a secondary goal to develop a testing method based on existing numerical and/or physical testing methods that is suitable for the application.

Circular economy and circular design concepts tries to find its place in the construction industry. How we assemble different components and how we disassemble them once we reach to the end of their service life became more and more important as it was not a point of concern traditionally. Achieving desired connection performance through interlocking geometries, while maintaining it reversibility is still an understudied challenge. Using 3D printing technology to fabricate complex forms can enable new possibilities for dry connections with concrete. There were previous research conducted on dry concrete connections and 3D printed dry connections here in Eindhoven, and further research is on the way for different connection and element types.

R. Yu, “A Digital Workflow for the Design and Manufacturing of 3D Printed Concrete Bridges in a Circular Economy,” Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, Eindhoven, 2022. Accessed: May 31, 2023. [Online].
The project will start with an initial literature review on dry connections, 3D concrete printing and connection testing methods. The student will build upon a first (recent)graduation thesis on this topic at TU/e. Following the initial review, there will be an exploration of the existing 3D concrete printing technology in TU/e. Then, the boundary conditions for the connection will be determined based on the type of connection and type of elements that needs to be connected. Once the boundary conditions are determined, the methodology for testing the connection design will be designed based on the literature research. This test can be conducted physically, numerically or both. Through an iterative process of connection design and testing, the project aims to reach a 3d printed dry connection design prototype, that is structurally validated.

We are looking for curious students who are interested in parametric design, digital fabrication and circularity. We are hoping to achieve results that can be published in a conference or journal paper. The project will be supervised by Idil Gumruk and Rob Wolfs (SED). For more information on the project, do not hesitate to contact Idil Gumruk i.gumruk@tue.nl.


The contact for this job posting is Idil Gumruk.