Evaluation of FEM based verification of bolted connections
Recent years have shown a growth of purpose-built software for the evaluation of connections in steel structures. In practice, such software packages are often used as replacements for the requirements stated in EN 1993-1-8 (Eurocode for steel structures – connections).
The requirements stated in EN 1993-1-8 are based on certain models and are validated with experiments. The mechanics of a FEM model relies on a different underlying modelling technique. As a result, the calculated design resistance of a connection may differ between methods.
You are asked to make a comparison of the resistances of bolted connections according to EN 1993-1-8 and FEM software and test results. Depending on your interests, the work can further extend into:
- Comparison of the calculated resistances with test results;
- Compare the software with both the current EN 1993-1-8 as well as the draft for the revised version that is planned to be published in 2023;
- What is the safety level of the FEM software (statistical analysis of tests and models);
- Inclusion of welded connections in the study
Supervision and collaboration:
- TU Eindhoven (contact: Bert Snijder,h.h.snijder@tue.nl)
- TNO (contact: Sjors van Es, sjors.vanes@tno.nl)
- Engineering firm: to be determined
The working location of the student (TUe, TNO or engineering firm) will be determined in consultation with student and supervisors.