Graduation Project Structural fabric out of smart textile
Develop a structural fabric out of smart textile
In collaboration with Pauline van Dongen Design studio, Tentech Is involved In a development project. Aim Is to develop a structural fabric out of smart textile. Ingredients for the smart textile are solar technology and weaving, the so called SUNTEX. The SUNTEX will be used In fabric architecture.
The responsibility of Tentech In this project Is to enable SUNTEX to become a structural membrane. This means listing of the boundaries of the technical characteristics of the fabric In such a way that It can be applied as a building material world wide. Aspects as strength, stiffness, elongation under load, durability, fire retardancy, UV-stability, integration of solar technology need to be addressed as well as the connections and cutting pattern layout.
We therefore are looking for:
1) Civil engineering student for In depth FEM modelling of the weave and solar technology to predict strength, stiffness and crimp Interchange of the fabric. To obtain the parameters, testing of the available samples will need to be done.
2) Building technology student for Integration of the fabric Into a building or building component. Connection detailing of the fabric will need to be developed In conjunction with the solar technology
The research is in collaboration with Pauline van Dongen and Arno Pronk (TU/e). Pauline van Dongen is a design studio that specializes in smart textiles and clothing.
The graduate students will be appointed as an aprentenship and will provide a fee for their work.
prototype sample Suntex