
Teaching Assistant bachelor courses and projects

For the second quartile of academic year 2023-2024, we are looking for Teaching Assistants (TA) who could help during some bachelor courses.

Within the second quartile the following courses require TA's:

  • Statics of Structures (4 hours per week)
  • Dimensioning of Structures (2 hours per week)
  • Project M (8 hours per week)

The timeslot are not yet known and will be communicated around May/June to all interested students for the TA positions. If you are interested in helping during one of these courses, get in touch with Gabi Bertram.

Statics of Structures

First year course. Every week there is a tutoring session for students where they have to do exercises and hand in homework at assigned moments. As a TA you answer their questions and grade the homework they make.

Dimensioning of Structures

Follow up course for second year students. The same principle holds for Dimensioning; students have the opportunity to ask questions during the tutoring hour at the TA and multiple times they have mandatory hand-in moments for their homework that has to be graded. 

Project M

With the redevelopment of the bachelor program, BAU-studio 1 will be replaced by project M. TA's are there to guide first year students during their project and grade the project at the end.


The contact for this job posting is Gabi Bertram.