
Multiple Day Excursion (MDE)

After two years of absence, the MDE is back! You can expect a variety of fun and educational activities, as well as beer and schnitzel, as we will be visiting Munich in Germany!
The trip will take place from the 15th to the 19th of March. Lots of activities are planned, such as company visits, a tour at the Olympic Park, a brewery tour and we will meet Freek Bos again for a visit to the TU München. In the evenings we will visit the city centre to enjoy some beers and have some more fun. 
The trip will cost €150 p.p., which will include travel costs, stay, breakfast and activities. Only 20 people can attend the trip, which means that lots will be drawn if more than 20 people subscribe. 
Do you want to join this fantastic trip to Munich? Then subscribe below before the 3rd of February!

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