AI & Structural Design
Dear SED Master students, would you like to be the first to test a new SED AI toolbox?
On the 30th of April, a very interesting experiment will be held for the MSc projects of Janneke Heuvelman and Jildert Turkstra, supervised by Hèrm Hofmeyer and Pieter Pauwels. You will get the chance to work with new Artificial Intelligence developments by the TU/e and Leiden University that can create structural designs from scratch. Additionally, if you want to see the application of a FEM analysis come to life, this experiment is a must-visit!
The planning is the following:
• 15:30 – 15:45: Introduction (with coffee, tea and cake).
• 15:45 – 17:45: Participation in several assignments, including breaks.
• 17:45: FREE pizza and drinks!
Subscription is possible until Sunday the 28th of April.