
Concrete Canoe Race 2023

Last year, KOers joined the first ConcreteCanoeRace in a couple of years. This year we want to compete again for the prizes. From May 12th until the 14th, KOers will compete with other associations for the best concrete canoes in Europe! The race will take place in Delft this year. 
We are currently looking for people who want to help the committee out with the creation of new racks. Then soon after we are looking for people who want to help out making the canoes and of course we are looking for people to paddle in the canoes during the weekend. If you want to help out, please contact Robin. Otherwise, we might contact you for your help ;) 
You can already sign up now!
We hope to see you in May!
Kind regards,
The BKR committee

Pssst... click here for a nice impression of the ConcreteCanoeRace weekend from last year!

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