End colloquium Robin van Steen
A Preliminary Study into the Integration of Functional Grading in Topology Optimization for 3D Concrete Printing
Topology Optimization and 3D printing are a promising combination of design and production techniques for the automation of the construction industry. For my graduation project I have developed methods to combine Topology Optimization (TO) and 3D Concrete Printing (3DCP) for structural elements with particular attention to functional grading and its automation, local composition control. As concrete has asymmetric stress limits, stress constrained TO is used. First, three methods are proposed to align the TO result with the printed results, each with a different moment to consider constraints set by the printer. The main constraints accounted for are the path the printer follows and the rate of change between compositions at the printer’s nozzle. This research proposes three moments to consider the print path. The rate of change along the print path can be evaluated. For some proposed moments, a pathfinding algorithm is developed to find and compare possible print paths. This algorithm functions for its intended purpose but can be further developed to reduce the computation time. The combination of the methods and pathfinding algorithm is evaluated in a parameter study.
During my final presentation, I will tell you about the developed methods, pathfinding algorithm and conclusions.